Matthew R. Downen, Paul A. Selden (2021)
The earliest palpimanid spider (Araneae: Palpimanidae), from the Crato Fossil-Lagerstätte (Cretaceous, Brazil).
The Journal of Arachnology49: .
DOI: 10.1636/JoA-S-19-059
Sergei Zonstein, Yuri M. Marusik (2022)
Descriptions of Sceliraptor gen. n. and two new species from Kenya (Araneae, Palpimanidae).
Arachnology19: .
DOI: 10.13156/arac.2022.19.sp1.257
Mark A. Townley (2024)
Spinneret spinning field ontogeny and life history observations in the spider Palpimanus uncatus Kulczyński, 1909 (Araneae: Palpimanidae).
The Journal of Arachnology52: .
DOI: 10.1636/JoA-S-22-056
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