Valerie Ngô-Muller, Michael S. Engel, Romain Garrouste, Jean-Marc Pouillon, André Nel (2021)
The first predatory dance fly of the subfamily Ocydromiinae with specialized, raptorial legs in mid–Cretaceous amber from Myanmar (Diptera: Hybotidae).
Cretaceous Research119: 104697.
DOI: 10.1016/j.cretres.2020.104697
Mónica M. Solórzano-Kraemer, Bradley J. Sinclair, Antonio Arillo, Sergio Álvarez-Parra (2023)
A new genus of dance fly (Diptera: Empidoidea: Hybotidae) from Cretaceous Spanish ambers and introduction to the fossiliferous amber outcrop of La Hoya (Castellón Province, Spain).
PeerJ11: e14692.
DOI: 10.7717/peerj.14692
Bradley J. Sinclair, Jeffrey M. Cumming, Igor V. Shamshev (2022)
A New Genus of Tachydromiinae from South Africa and Turkmenistan (Diptera: Empidoidea: Hybotidae).
Insects13: 171.
DOI: 10.3390/insects13020171
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