Kibaleana apicospinosa sp. n., male. A General habitus, lateral view B Head and thorax, lateral view C Fourth segment of flagellum, lateral view D Head, lateral view E Claw, lateral view F Claw, dorsal view. Abbreviations: abd = abdomen; anepst = anepisternum; anepm = anepimeron; aprnt = antepronotum; cx = coxa; eye = compound eye; flgm = flagellar segment; fr = frons; hlt = halter; ltg = laterotergite; mtepst = metepisternum; mtg = mediotergite; mx plp = maxillary palpus; oc tr = ocellar triangle; ped = pedicel; png = postgena; preepst 2 = preepisternum 2; sc = scutum; scp = scape; vrt = vertex; wg = wing.

  Part of: Kurina O, Mantič M, Ševčík J (2017) A remarkable new genus of Keroplatidae (Insecta, Diptera) from the Afrotropical region, with DNA sequence data. African Invertebrates 58(1): 93-105.