Collecting sites during recent expeditions 26 steep roadside cutting with exposed rocks and flowering Scenecio sp. Alien species are evident, including Salix sp. growing in riparian zone and Rosa rubiginosa on the steeper slopes 27 seep with Ranunculus sp. flowers. Grazing and other agriculture evident in the image 28 large high-altitude wetland with Ranunculus sp. flowers. Evidence of agriculture is visible in the background 29 Sani Pass area, overgrazing and other human disturbance visible.

  Part of: Midgley JM, Muller BS, Theron GL, Phoofolo M, Bellingan TA, Jordaens K (2023) The Diptera of Lesotho: a history of collecting in the Mountain Kingdom, summary of recent collecting sites and introduction to the topical collection in African Invertebrates. African Invertebrates 64(3): 207-220.