Collecting sites during recent expeditions 14 Semonkong roadside, brief sampling from shrubs and grasses on verge 15 Semonkong Lodge, mixed indigenous and exotic vegetation with some garden elements 16 seep and grassland at St Michaels village. Some Ranunculus sp. visible in foreground. Alien Acacia mearnsii visible in the background. Note the proximity of the latrine (top right) to the watercourse 17 stream next to the A14. Some grazing and disturbance due to road building.

  Part of: Midgley JM, Muller BS, Theron GL, Phoofolo M, Bellingan TA, Jordaens K (2023) The Diptera of Lesotho: a history of collecting in the Mountain Kingdom, summary of recent collecting sites and introduction to the topical collection in African Invertebrates. African Invertebrates 64(3): 207-220.