Collecting sites during recent expeditions 6 Motebong Lodge, looking east. Areas close to the lake are disturbed by fluctuating water levels and increased grazing pressure. Many non-native ornamentals were planted around the lodge 7 Maletsunyane Falls area, sampling area consisted of natural vegetation and is cordoned off with palisade fencing from the surrounding farmlands, protecting it somewhat from overgrazing 8 roadside Pyracantha koidzumii bushes on the A5 between Roma and St Michaels village, looking south. The bushes attract flies, disrupting indigenous pollination networks 9 Blue Mountain Pass, roadside rest stop on A3, moderately grazed, toilet paper and human faeces scattered near the road, less disturbance away from the road.

  Part of: Midgley JM, Muller BS, Theron GL, Phoofolo M, Bellingan TA, Jordaens K (2023) The Diptera of Lesotho: a history of collecting in the Mountain Kingdom, summary of recent collecting sites and introduction to the topical collection in African Invertebrates. African Invertebrates 64(3): 207-220.